The Event
The 2015 Wine Pleasures Workshop: Buyer meets ITALIAN Cellar will take place in the Hotel Villa Vecchia, Monteporzio in the Lazio wine region from Monday 26 – Wednesday 28 October 2015.
Bringing together small to medium sized boutique wineries of all regions of Italy including: Veneto, Sicilia, Campania, Lombardia, Abruzzo, Marchè, Umbria and Toscana and wine importers, wholesalers, retailers and HORECA from around the world, this year’s workshop will be the fourth of its kind in Italy.
As we are in Italy, we have ensured that buyers will experience the incredible range and diversity of Italian wines. We’re talking about light crisp soft whites such as Pinot Grigio, the slightly sweet and fruity Soave white, the various kinds of Marsala and fortified wines of Sicily, big and bold Umbrian and Toscana reds and even bubbly and expressive sparkling wines of Veneto. In short, we are absolutely confident that by the end of this Wine Pleasures Workshop you too will have an even greater love of Italian wines, and a much greater understanding of what this country can produce.
In addition, all participants will experience wine matching of both traditional and fusion Italian cuisine, have some fantastic chats over lunches and dinners and take part in a themed Italian tasting as well as, of course taking in part in one to one private wine tasting meetings with wine makers and winery owners. All of which will make you want to plan your follow-up trip to Italy before you’ve arrived home. Sounds pretty good so far, doesn’t it?
Who Should Attend?
- Wine Importers who already import Italian wines but want to discover new small boutique wineries
- Wine Importers who do not yet import Italian wines but are looking to add Italian wines to an existing portfolio
- Wholesalers & Wine Retailers who prefer to import direct from the winery
- HORECA members who want to add new Italian wines to list, menus etc
- Wine Agents Professionals who would like to learn about Italian wines or interact with wineries and importers
The Wine Pleasures Workshop Buyer meets Italian Cellar gives buyers the opportunity to discover new wine suppliers not normally present in the large trade fairs, meet the winemaker in a highly personalized setting, taste the latest vintages, discuss imports, prices and timescales, discover new products and attractive labelling and packaging, and appreciate the excellence in quality – price. All this in a cost-effective, one stop opportunity to do so by meeting face to face in Italy with a wide range of quality wine makers concentrated in one convenient and enchanting venue for just two and a half days.
Register as an Invited Buyer
The Venue
This year the Wine Pleasures Workshop: Buyer meets Italian Cellar will move closer to Rome Airport to the Hotel Villa Vecchia inn the Lazio wine region.
The Workshop Programme
Monday, 26 October, 2015
15.30 Transfer from Rome Airport to Workshop venue
16.30 Registration of participants
18.30 – 19.00 Seminar: Wines of Italy
19.00 – 20.25 Wine tasting & time for scheduling extra appointments
20.30 Dinner in the hotel
Tuesday, 27 October, 2015
09.00 – 10.00 Workshop opens – time for tasting and/or scheduling extra appointments
10.00 – 13.00 One to one meetings with wineries
13.00 – 15.00 Lunch
15.00 – 15.30 Free time
15.30 – 18.30 One to one meetings with wineries
20.30 Dinner in the hotel
Wednesday, 28 October, 2015
09.00 – 10.00 Workshop opens – time for tasting and/or scheduling extra appointments
10.00 – 13.30 One to one meetings with wineries
13.30 – 15.00 Lunch & end of workshop
The Winery Visit Programme
We have a limited number of places for a post Workshop winery visit programme to either Lazio or Campania. Each trip has 10 places only so early registration is advised and no later than 31 August 2015.
Paricipating Wineries Buyer meets Italian Cellar 2014>>
Flexible Attendance Options
Workshop & Winery Visit Programme (26-30 October) Availability
- A personalised schedule of appointments at the Workshop (26-28 October)
- A Post Workshop Winery Visit Programme to include visits to either Lazio (10 places available only) or Campania (10 places available only)
- 4 nights accommodation including complimentary breakfasts, lunches and dinners
- Subsidised flights to and from Rome Airport
- Transfers and transport for the duration of the programme
Workshop Only (26-28 October) Availability
- A personalised schedule of appointments at the Workshop (26-28 October)
- 2 nights accommodation including complimentary breakfasts, lunches and dinners
- Subsidised flights to and from Rome Airport
- Transfers to and from Rome Airport
Visitor (Flexible dates) Availability
- A personalised schedule of appointments at the Workshop (26, 27 &-28 October)
- Transfers to and from Rome Airport
- Lunch on each day of attendance
Register as a Invited Buyer
Flight Subsidies Payable
Travelling from:
- Europe: up to a maximum of 180 Euros
- Canada, USA, Central or South America: up to a maximum of 450 Euros
- Asia and Australasia: up to a maximum of 550 Euros
- Russia, Middle East and Africa: up to a maximum of 300 Euros.
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